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Outworld Devourer

Apa Itu ? Outworld Devourer

Outworld Devourer atau OD adalah hero intelligence carry di Dota 2 yang mampu mengeluarkan pure damage dalam jumlah besar. Ini membuatnya sangat kuat menghadapi hero dengan armor tinggi, tapi dirinya tidak berdaya jika menghadapi spell immunity ataupun silence. Tidak cuma itu, besarnya damage yang ia miliki bergantung pada seberapa besar intelligence dan jumlah mana yang ia miliki, yang memang sangat besar dan bisa dibilang tidak pernah habis.

karena itu walaupun dia adalah tipe intelegent tapi dia butuh item atack speed untuk menjadi GG. Walaupun bertipe range tapi OD punya atack range yang sangat dekat jadi item dragon lance sangat di butuhkan untuk OD, Arcane Orb setiap hitnya mencuri Atribut  Inetegent musuh , yang berarti dia juag mendapat damage tambahan setiap hitnya , aracane Orb bisa di hentikan oleh lawan dengan menggunakan Black King Bar.Tidak hanyaberpotensi sebagai carry dia juga memberi keuntungan untuk teman di dekatnya, Skill Essence Aura memberikan mana tambahan setiap penggunaan manaDengan Pemenjaraan Astral, Harbinger dapat membuat dirinya atau sekutu menjadi tidak terkalahkan dalam waktu singkat, atau menonaktifkan target musuh. Yang terakhir, Sanity's Eclipse, dapat langsung menangani kerusakan besar-besaran akibat musuh-musuhnya berdasarkan seberapa jauhIntelegent  dari pada kemampuan mereka.

  • Punya klik kanan bertipe Pure
  • Bisa menghindar atau kabur dengan skill Astral Imprisonment.
  • Memberikan damage yang besar kepada hero yang punya mana sedikit
  • Move speed di early game lumayan
  • Punya skill Disabler
  • Hero mid yang kuat


Hero Talents
15% Spell Lifesteal25++60s Arcane Orb icon.png Arcane Orb Int Steal
+2 Sanity's Eclipse icon.png Sanity's Eclipse Multiplier20+20 Strength attribute symbol.png Strength
+15% Essence Aura icon.png Essence Aura Chance15+40 Movement Speed
+20 Attack Speed10+200 Health

 Ambil yang berwarna biru 
  • Stun dan Silence adalah mimpi buruk
  • Ultimate tidak sakit kepada lawan yang punya kapasitas mana yang besar

Starting items:
  • Null Talisman icon.png Null Talisman provides cheap compact stats for a mid-laner with low base damage.
  • Faerie Fire icon.png Faerie Fire gives a little bit of extra damage, and can be consumed to turn the tide in a close fight.
  • Tango icon.png Tango restores health to stay in lane.
  • Boots of Speed icon.png Boots of Speed will make Outworld Devourer even faster, which is important in middle lane.
  • Bottle (Full) icon.png Bottle and/or Magic Wand icon.png Magic Wand gives more sustainability during the laning stage.
  • A second Null Talisman icon.png Null Talisman is a common item for intelligence heroes during the laning phase.
Core items:
  • Power Treads icon.png Power Treads gives more attack speed and intelligence to cast more Arcane Orbs.
  • Force Staff icon.png Force Staff gives escape mechanism as well as good stats and upgrades later into Hurricane Pike icon.png Hurricane Pike, which is the most important mid-game item for Outworld Devourer.
Situational items:
  • Black King Bar icon.png Black King Bar protects against most disables and nukes, buying Outworld Devourer the time to stack intelligence and use his ultimate more effectively.
  • Blink Dagger icon.png Blink Dagger increases his mobility even more, allowing Outworld Devourer to blink to safety after a self-cast Astral Imprisonment.
  • Shiva's Guard icon.png Shiva's Guard will give him more armor for survivability, as well as more intelligence. The slow also helps him either chase, or escape.
  • Scythe of Vyse icon.png Scythe of Vyse provides him with both additional intelligence and a silencing disable, giving him more time to deal damage with his Arcane Orb.
  • Octarine Core icon.png Octarine Core gives the most mana in a single item, as well as immense survivability for Outworld Devourer by lifestealing from his Arcane Orb and his other spells. It also allows Sanity Eclipse to be used more frequently.
  • Moon Shard icon.png Moon Shard gives a high attack speed boost, allowing to deal more damage in battles and steal intelligence faster.
  • Veil of Discord icon.png Veil of Discord provides some much-needed regen and armor, and is a cheap way to amplify the damage of his ultimate and Astral Imprisonment.
  • Rod of Atos icon.png Rod of Atos will provide him with additional health and intelligence, as well as the ability to root against a single target.
  • Orchid Malevolence icon.png Orchid Malevolence gives him even more intelligence and attack speed, and also gives him a Silence ability that also amplifies his damage for the time period. Also builds later into Bloodthorn icon.png Bloodthorn.
  • Refresher Orb icon.png Refresher Orb is one of the strongest late-game items on Outworld Devourer, as it allows Sanity's Eclipse, as well as items like BKB and Hex to be cast twice, which can be devastating in teamfights.
  • Aghanim's Scepter icon.png Aghanim's Scepter provides all round stat, health and mana boost. Extra Astral Imprisonment and it's range improvement provides an additional disable.

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